Class Log

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Log
extends java.lang.Object

Log is the base class which defines all of the logging constants and implements any general logging responsibilities. It dispatches the actual logging information over to a concrete subclass of AbstractLoggingMechanism to do the work of writing out the log information.

This class could be extended to do application-specific behavior, or better yet you could create a class "wrapper" like AppLog to make instances well-known Singletons with handy static/class methods.

See Also:
AbstractLoggingMechanism, AppLog

Field Summary
          The system encountered a critical error at this logging level, which affects the accuracy, integrity, reliability, or capability of the system.
protected  int currentLoggingLevel
          Keep the logging level the log is currently operating at.
protected  java.util.Date dateOpened
          Keeps the date the log opened
          Turns the log off, no messages are logged
static int DETAIL_LEVEL
          Moderately detailed logging level to be used to help debug typical problems in the system.
static int ERROR_LEVEL
          The system encountered an unexpected error at this logging level, which probably means the code intercepted an error it cannot handle.
static int INFO_LEVEL
          Normal logging level.
protected  java.lang.String logFieldSeparator
          Keeps a string demarking fields within the log file.
static java.lang.String[] LOGGING_MECHANISMS
          List of all available logging mechanisms.
protected  java.util.Vector loggingMechanisms
          Keeps a collection of logging mechanisms to use when writing out the log.
protected  java.lang.String name
          Keeps the name of the Log instance.
static java.lang.String SHARED_DATED_FILE_MECHANISM
          Logging mechanism to log all messages to a shared file for any Log instances using this mechanism.
static java.lang.String SHARED_FILE_MECHANISM
          Logging mechanism to log all messages to a shared file for any Log instances using this mechanism.
static java.lang.String SMTP_MECHANISM
          Logging mechanism to log certain priority messages to an email mailbox via SMTP.
static java.lang.String STANDARD_ERR_MECHANISM
          Logging mechanism to log all messages to System.err
static int TRACE_LEVEL
          Most detailed logging level.
static java.lang.String UNIQUE_DATED_FILE_MECHANISM
          Logging mechanism to log all messages to a unique file specific to that Log instance.
static java.lang.String UNIQUE_FILE_MECHANISM
          Logging mechanism to log all messages to a unique file specific to that Log instance.
static int WARNING_LEVEL
          The system encountered an expected error situation.
Constructor Summary
protected Log()
          Class constructor to properly create and register a new log.
  Log(java.lang.String name)
          Public constructor to register a new log with a particular name.
Method Summary
 AbstractLoggingMechanism addLoggingMechanism(java.lang.String loggingMechanismName)
          Adds a Logging Mechanism to the list of mechanisms that this log writes to.
protected  void finalize()
          Must close the log for the application if the application did not or could not.
 java.util.Date getDateOpened()
          Return the date the log was opened, only valid if the log is currently open.
 java.lang.String getLogFieldSeparator()
          Gets the string that delimits the various fields of a log entry
 int getLoggingLevel()
          Gets the logging level of the current log.
 AbstractLoggingMechanism getLoggingMechanism(java.lang.String loggingMechanismName)
          If a logging mechanism of the type input is in effect for this log, return the logging mechanism instance matching the name given as input.
 java.util.Vector getLoggingMechanisms()
          Returns a Vector of logging mechanisms currently active for the log.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name of the log, usually passed in by the constructor.
 boolean isLoggingEnabledFor(int loggingLevel)
          Returns true if the current logging level of the log is set to enable logging a string at the input logging level.
 boolean isOpen()
          Return whether the log is open (is not deactivated).
 void logString(java.lang.String logString, int loggingLevel)
          Adds a message string to the log if the log's level is currently set at or above the loggingLevel passed in.
 void removeAllLoggingMechanisms()
          Removes all Logging Mechanisms from the list of mechanisms that this log writes to.
 void removeLoggingMechanism(java.lang.String loggingMechanismName)
          Removes an active Logging Mechanism from the list of mechanisms that this log writes to.
 void setLogFieldSeparator(java.lang.String logFieldSeparator)
          Sets the string that delimits the various fields of a log entry
 void setLoggingLevel(int newLoggingLevel)
          Changes the logging level of the current log.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEACTIVATE_LEVEL
Turns the log off, no messages are logged

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CRITICAL_ERROR_LEVEL
The system encountered a critical error at this logging level, which affects the accuracy, integrity, reliability, or capability of the system. Someone should be paged to address the error as soon as possible.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ERROR_LEVEL
The system encountered an unexpected error at this logging level, which probably means the code intercepted an error it cannot handle. This error is not of a critical nature and can be recovered from automatically. Someone should probably be emailed to resolve the error in the near future to increase the reliability of the product.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WARNING_LEVEL
The system encountered an expected error situation. The system recovered from it but the fact that it happened should be recorded to see how frequent it happens.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int INFO_LEVEL
Normal logging level. All interesting periodic events should be logged at this level so someone looking through the log can see the amount and kind of processing happening in the system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DETAIL_LEVEL
Moderately detailed logging level to be used to help debug typical problems in the system. Not so detailed that the big picture gets lost.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TRACE_LEVEL
Most detailed logging level. Everything sent to the log will be logged. Use this level to trace system execution for really nasty problems.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STANDARD_ERR_MECHANISM
Logging mechanism to log all messages to System.err

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String UNIQUE_FILE_MECHANISM
Logging mechanism to log all messages to a unique file specific to that Log instance. Reuse the same log file name (append to it) if it already exists.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String UNIQUE_DATED_FILE_MECHANISM
Logging mechanism to log all messages to a unique file specific to that Log instance. Don't append to an existing log, instead create a new one with a date stamp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SHARED_FILE_MECHANISM
Logging mechanism to log all messages to a shared file for any Log instances using this mechanism. Append to an existing log, if it already exists.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SHARED_DATED_FILE_MECHANISM
Logging mechanism to log all messages to a shared file for any Log instances using this mechanism. Don't append to an existing log, instead create a new one with a date stamp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SMTP_MECHANISM
Logging mechanism to log certain priority messages to an email mailbox via SMTP.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String[] LOGGING_MECHANISMS
List of all available logging mechanisms.


protected java.lang.String name
Keeps the name of the Log instance.


protected int currentLoggingLevel
Keep the logging level the log is currently operating at.


protected java.util.Vector loggingMechanisms
Keeps a collection of logging mechanisms to use when writing out the log.


protected java.util.Date dateOpened
Keeps the date the log opened


protected java.lang.String logFieldSeparator
Keeps a string demarking fields within the log file.

Constructor Detail


protected Log()
Class constructor to properly create and register a new log. All other constructors and subclasses should eventually call this method!


public Log(java.lang.String name)
Public constructor to register a new log with a particular name. The name of the log is very important. It is used as a key into the log properties file to find settings for how the log is to be opened.

Method Detail


public int getLoggingLevel()
Gets the logging level of the current log.


public boolean isLoggingEnabledFor(int loggingLevel)
Returns true if the current logging level of the log is set to enable logging a string at the input logging level. Use this method in an if statement before you construct a log message for better performance (thanks to suggestion from David Crane).


public void setLoggingLevel(int newLoggingLevel)
Changes the logging level of the current log. Use this method to activate, deactivate, or change the logging detail level of an active log.


public java.util.Vector getLoggingMechanisms()
Returns a Vector of logging mechanisms currently active for the log.

a Vector of logging mechanisms currently active for the log.


public AbstractLoggingMechanism getLoggingMechanism(java.lang.String loggingMechanismName)
If a logging mechanism of the type input is in effect for this log, return the logging mechanism instance matching the name given as input.

loggingMechanismName - Name of the logging mechanism to search for, one of the constants in the Log class.
The concrete instance of an AbstractLoggingMechanism that is currently in effect for the Log if one found, null if not.


public AbstractLoggingMechanism addLoggingMechanism(java.lang.String loggingMechanismName)
Adds a Logging Mechanism to the list of mechanisms that this log writes to. Opens the mechanism and registers it also.

loggingMechanismName - The name of the Logging Mechanism.
The concrete instance of AbstractLoggingMechanism that implements the mechanism just added, null if an error occurred like the log could not be opened or that log was previously opened!


public void removeLoggingMechanism(java.lang.String loggingMechanismName)
Removes an active Logging Mechanism from the list of mechanisms that this log writes to. Closes the mechanism and deregisters it also.

loggingMechanismName - The name of the Logging Mechanism to remove.


public void removeAllLoggingMechanisms()
Removes all Logging Mechanisms from the list of mechanisms that this log writes to. Closes the mechanisms and deregisters them also.


public void logString(java.lang.String logString,
                      int loggingLevel)
Adds a message string to the log if the log's level is currently set at or above the loggingLevel passed in.

logString - The string to write to all logging mechanisms
loggingLevel - The level at which to log the string.


protected void finalize()
                 throws java.lang.Throwable
Must close the log for the application if the application did not or could not.

finalize in class java.lang.Object
java.lang.Throwable - Default finalizer exception


public java.lang.String getLogFieldSeparator()
Gets the string that delimits the various fields of a log entry


public void setLogFieldSeparator(java.lang.String logFieldSeparator)
Sets the string that delimits the various fields of a log entry


public java.lang.String getName()
Return the name of the log, usually passed in by the constructor.


public boolean isOpen()
Return whether the log is open (is not deactivated).


public java.util.Date getDateOpened()
Return the date the log was opened, only valid if the log is currently open.