Package org.jlf.util

The org.jlf.util package is used to hold all miscellaneous reusable utility code.


Class Summary
AppProperties AppProperties provides utilities to access property files.
ClassInstanceVariable This class provides the concept of a Class Instance Variable as implemented in the Smalltalk language, with an additional optional context setting as well.
Hash The Hash class is a utility class to help you properly implement the hashCode() method when you override the equals(Object) method.
JUnitTestRunner This class is an enhanced version of the JUnit junit.textui.TestRunner class to be run inside a servlet/JSP with an output writer.
Reflection The Reflection class is to help you with Java reflection apis and provide common code you can take advantage of.
SessionTesterBean A set of static methods to test and dump servlet sessions.

Package org.jlf.util Description

The org.jlf.util package is used to hold all miscellaneous reusable utility code. It is built right after the org.jlf.log packages so all other levels of the layered architecture can use it (but config and log cannot).

Please look to share any utility code here, instead of all of the projects re-inventing the wheel!!!