Class DataLocationManager


public class DataLocationManager
extends java.lang.Object

This class is used to find and cache DataLocation objects. A data location could be a JDBC data source, an XML file, a properties file, or any other source/sink of data.

See Also:
DataLocation, DataMapper, DataMappedObject

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Hashtable dataLocations
          Holds a cache of data locations
protected static DataLocationManager singleton
          Provides the class variable for the Singleton pattern, to keep track of the one and only instance of this class.
Constructor Summary
protected DataLocationManager()
          Protect the default constructor, this class uses a Singleton pattern.
Method Summary
static DataLocation getDataLocation(java.lang.String locationKey)
          Returns the singleton instance of this class.
protected  DataLocation getLocationForKey(java.lang.String locationKey)
          Retrieves a DataLocation for a key, checking the cache of locations to see if in there, if not, dispatching to to create a new one.
 void hashtableToProperties(java.util.Hashtable ht, java.util.Properties props)
          Helper method to convert all entries in the Hashtable (assuming they are ALL strings) into the Properties object given.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int INITIAL_DATA_LOCATION_TABLE_SIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static DataLocationManager singleton
Provides the class variable for the Singleton pattern, to keep track of the one and only instance of this class.


protected java.util.Hashtable dataLocations
Holds a cache of data locations

Constructor Detail


protected DataLocationManager()
Protect the default constructor, this class uses a Singleton pattern. If you need to access the Singleton instance of the class, DON'T make this public, instead use the getInstance() method!

Method Detail


public static DataLocation getDataLocation(java.lang.String locationKey)
Returns the singleton instance of this class.


public void hashtableToProperties(java.util.Hashtable ht,
                                  java.util.Properties props)
Helper method to convert all entries in the Hashtable (assuming they are ALL strings) into the Properties object given.


protected DataLocation getLocationForKey(java.lang.String locationKey)
Retrieves a DataLocation for a key, checking the cache of locations to see if in there, if not, dispatching to to create a new one.