Class DataMappedObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DataMappedObject
extends DataObject

Abstract class used as the base of all objects in the data mapping framework.

DataMappedObject is composed of four major capabilities:

    1. The ability to store and retrieve attributes (primitive data types
       like Integer, Boolean, Date, ...)
    2. The ability to store and retrieve related objects
       (other DataMappedObjects)
    3. The ability to return the correct subclass when you read
       from an abstract superclass with many subclasses.
    4. The ability to use the above capabilities to read attributes and
       related objects from a data source and write them out to
       a data sink.

See Also:
DataObject, Relationship, RelationshipDescriptor, DataLocation, DataMapper, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String DATA_LOCATION_KEY_PROPERTY_SUFFIX
          Property file key constant, appended to the name of the class, telling the default data location to use when none is specified.
protected static java.lang.String DEFAULT_DATA_LOCATION_KEY
          This is the property file key to the default data location.
protected  boolean deleteOnWrite
          Flag to delete an object previously read from a database the next time the object is synchronized with the database.
protected static java.lang.String FIND_ALL_CRITERIA_KEY
          Default search criteria key for the framework to use when searching for information on how to query a data source for all objects of a particular object type.
protected static java.lang.String FIND_BY_PRIMARY_KEY_CRITERIA_KEY
          Default search criteria key for the framework to use when searching for information on how to query a data source for a particular object based on that object's primary key.
protected  boolean hasBeenReadFromDataSource
          Flag to tell if the object has previously been read from the database.
protected static java.lang.String HIERARCHY_HASHTABLE_VARIABLE_NAME
protected static java.lang.String HIERARCHY_TABLE_KEY_VECTOR_VARIABLE_NAME
protected  DataMappedObjectKey key
          Holds the key for the object.
Fields inherited from class org.jlf.dataMap.DataObject
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addRelatedObject(java.lang.String name, DataMappedObject dmo)
          Convenience method to passthrough a related object to the relationship so it can track it.
 void addRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name, java.util.Vector dmos)
          Convenience method to passthrough a Vector of related objects to the relationship so it can track it.
 boolean areAllKeyAttributesPresent()
          Checks to see if all key attributes are present.
 boolean areAllRequiredAttributesPresent()
          Checks to see if all required attributes are present.
protected  java.util.Hashtable basicGetHierarchyTable()
          Returns a hash table of DataMappedObjectKey objects pertinent to the DataMappedObject.
protected  java.util.Vector basicGetHierarchyTableKeyAttributes()
          Returns a vector of Strings which are the attribute names of any attributes in the hierarchy table.
protected  DataMappedObjectKey basicGetKey()
          Creates a key from a list of all attribute descriptors that say that they are key attributes.
protected  java.util.Hashtable basicGetRelationshipDescriptors()
          Returns a hash table of RelationshipDescriptor objects pertinent to the DataMappedObject.
 void cleanupAfterWrite(DataMapper dataMapper)
          Performs cleanup work after a write is committed to the database (for example, resets attribute values).
 void deleteOnWrite()
          Sets a flag so that the next time you write your object to a data store, it will attempt to delete it.
 java.util.Vector findAll()
          Quick accessor method to read all of this particular object's type from the default data location.
 java.util.Vector findAll(DataMapper dataMapper)
          Quick accessor method to read all of this particular object's type from a specified data location.
 DataMappedObject findByPrimaryKey()
          Quick accessor method to read one object of this particular object's type from the default data location, using its already populated primary key.
 DataMappedObject findByPrimaryKey(DataMapper dataMapper)
          Quick accessor method to read one object of this particular object's type from a specified data mapper, using its already populated primary key.
 java.util.Vector findByRelationship(Relationship relationship, DataMapper dataMapper)
          Reads objects involved in a relationship that is not read in the same query as its primary object.
 java.util.Vector findManyBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey)
          Helper method to read objects of a specific type and search criteria from a the default data mapper for the object.
 java.util.Vector findManyBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey, DataMapper dataMapper)
          Main kickoff method to read objects of a specific type and search criteria from a data mapper to a data location.
 DataMappedObject findOneBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey)
          Helper method to read one object of a specific search criteria.
 DataMappedObject findOneBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey, DataMapper dataMapper)
          Helper method to read one object of a specific search criteria.
 java.util.Set getAllRelationshipNames()
          Returns a set of relationship names (Strings) for all of the relationship descriptors available to the object.
static DataMapper getDataMapper(java.lang.String dataLocationKey)
          Convenience method to return an instance of a data mapper to the data location named by the key given.
protected  java.lang.String getDefaultDataLocationKey()
          Returns the data location key to the properties file for this object's default data location.
 DataMapper getDefaultDataMapper()
          Returns an instance of the default data mapper to the default data location.
 java.util.Vector getDeletedRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
          Passthrough method for Relationship.getDeletedRelatedObjects(), given a particular relationship name.
protected  DataMappedObjectKey getHierachyTableKeyForDataArray(DataArray dataArray)
          Retrieves a hierarchy table key for the current object given a data array.
protected  java.util.Hashtable getHierarchyTable()
          Returns a lazy-initialized hierarchy table used to map incoming DataArray data to an object of the correct subclass in an inheritance hierarchy.
protected  java.util.Vector getHierarchyTableKeyAttributes()
          Returns a lazy-initialized vector of attribute names used to map to the hierarchy table.
 DataMappedObjectKey getKey()
          Retrieves the key for this object.
 DataMappedObject getNewInstance()
          Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object
 DataMappedObject getNewInstance(boolean reuseThisInstance)
          Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object if the reuseThisInstance flag is false.
 DataMappedObject getNewInstance(DataArray dataArray)
          Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object, taking into consideration the hierarchy table if one is defined.
 DataMappedObject getRelatedObject(java.lang.String name)
          Passthrough method for Relationship.getRelatedObject(), given a particular relationship name.
 java.util.Vector getRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
          Passthrough method for Relationship.getRelatedObjects(), given a particular relationship name.
 Relationship getRelationship(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a relationship object for a particular relationship name.
 RelationshipDescriptor getRelationshipDescriptor(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a relationship descriptor for a particular relationship name.
protected  java.util.Hashtable getRelationshipDescriptors()
          Returns a lazy-initialized collection of RelationshipDescriptor objects pertinent to the DataMappedObject.
 java.util.Vector getUndeletedRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
          Passthrough method for Relationship.getUndeletedRelatedObjects(), given a particular relationship name.
 boolean hasBeenReadFromDataSource()
          Returns a flag telling if the object has previously been read from the database.
protected  boolean hasHierarchyTable()
          Signifies whether the class has a hierarchy table.
 boolean hasKey()
          Checks to see if the object has any key fields.
protected  DataMappedObject newInstanceForDataArray(DataArray dataArray)
          Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object, taking into consideration the hierarchy table defined.
 void populateFromDataArray(DataArray dataArray, Relationship relationship)
          Reads as many attributes as it can from the DataArray under the context of a particular relationship if available.
protected  void populateKeyFromParentRelationship(Relationship relationship, DataMapper dataMapper)
          Helper method to populate the key for this object as best as possible from a primary object/parent object's data.
 void preWriteValidation()
          Hook method for data mapped objects to perform pre-write validation.
 void processRelationshipsFromDataArray(DataArray dataArray)
          Processes any relationships from the DataArray to populate related DataMappedObjects.
 void setHasBeenReadFromDataSource(boolean hasBeenRead)
          Sets a flag to tell if the object has previously been read from the database.
 boolean shouldDeleteOnWrite()
          Returns a flag telling if an object previously read from a database should be deleted the next time the object is synchronized with the database.
 void validateRequiredAttributesPresent()
          Checks to see if all required attributes are present.
 void write(DataMapper dataMapper)
          Writes an object out to a data source after it validates the object.
Methods inherited from class org.jlf.dataMap.DataObject
attributeEquals, basicGetAttributeDescriptors, equals, getAllAttributeNames, getAttribute, getAttributeDescriptor, getAttributeDescriptors, getAttributeValue, getDoubleAttribute, getLongAttribute, getStringAttribute, hasAttributeDefined, hashCode, setAttributeValue, setDoubleAttribute, setLongAttribute, setStringAttribute
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected DataMappedObjectKey key
Holds the key for the object.


See Also:
Constant Field Values


See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String RELATIONSHIP_DESCRIPTOR_VECTOR_VARIABLE_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String HIERARCHY_TABLE_KEY_VECTOR_VARIABLE_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int INITIAL_HIERARCHY_HASHTABLE_SIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String HIERARCHY_HASHTABLE_VARIABLE_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String DATA_LOCATION_KEY_PROPERTY_SUFFIX
Property file key constant, appended to the name of the class, telling the default data location to use when none is specified. The default value for this key is below.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_DATA_LOCATION_KEY
This is the property file key to the default data location. If no data location is explicitly identified, the framework will try to find properties for this key suffix, create a connection to it, and map objects to and from it. The key which tries to find this value is above.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FIND_ALL_CRITERIA_KEY
Default search criteria key for the framework to use when searching for information on how to query a data source for all objects of a particular object type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FIND_BY_PRIMARY_KEY_CRITERIA_KEY
Default search criteria key for the framework to use when searching for information on how to query a data source for a particular object based on that object's primary key.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean hasBeenReadFromDataSource
Flag to tell if the object has previously been read from the database. If it has, then when trying to write any updates out, the object should not do a create, but rather an update or delete.


protected boolean deleteOnWrite
Flag to delete an object previously read from a database the next time the object is synchronized with the database.

Constructor Detail


public DataMappedObject()
Method Detail


protected DataMappedObjectKey basicGetKey()
Creates a key from a list of all attribute descriptors that say that they are key attributes.


public DataMappedObjectKey getKey()
Retrieves the key for this object.


protected java.util.Hashtable basicGetRelationshipDescriptors()
Returns a hash table of RelationshipDescriptor objects pertinent to the DataMappedObject. This method is not lazy-initialized. Subclasses with relationships SHOULD OVERRIDE this method, calling the superclass method of same name and adding to the Hashtable any RelationshipDescriptor objects pertinent. Use the relationship name as the key and a RelationshipDescriptor object as the value.

At this level in the hierarchy, no relationship descriptors are known. Return an empty hash table that can be populated by the subclass(es).


protected java.util.Hashtable getRelationshipDescriptors()
Returns a lazy-initialized collection of RelationshipDescriptor objects pertinent to the DataMappedObject. This method uses a ClassInstanceVariable as a convenient way to do the lazy-initialization.


public RelationshipDescriptor getRelationshipDescriptor(java.lang.String name)
Returns a relationship descriptor for a particular relationship name.

the RelationshipDescriptor if found.
DataMapError - if a descriptor for the relationship name not found


public java.util.Set getAllRelationshipNames()
Returns a set of relationship names (Strings) for all of the relationship descriptors available to the object.


public Relationship getRelationship(java.lang.String name)
Returns a relationship object for a particular relationship name.

the Relationship if found
DataMapError - if a relationship descriptor is not found for the relationship name


public java.util.Vector getRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
Passthrough method for Relationship.getRelatedObjects(), given a particular relationship name.

a Vector of DataMappedObjects if the relationship is found
DataMapError - if the relationship descriptor is not found for the relationship


public java.util.Vector getUndeletedRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
Passthrough method for Relationship.getUndeletedRelatedObjects(), given a particular relationship name.

a Vector of DataMappedObjects if the relationship is found
DataMapError - if the relationship descriptor is not found for the relationship


public java.util.Vector getDeletedRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
Passthrough method for Relationship.getDeletedRelatedObjects(), given a particular relationship name.

a Vector of DataMappedObjects if the relationship is found
DataMapError - if the relationship descriptor is not found for the relationship


public DataMappedObject getRelatedObject(java.lang.String name)
Passthrough method for Relationship.getRelatedObject(), given a particular relationship name.

a DataMappedObject if the relationship is found and at least one object is present in the relationship collection (always picks the first object in the collection). null is returned if the relationship is found and no objects are in the relationship collection
DataMapError - if the relationship descriptor is not found for the relationship name


public void addRelatedObject(java.lang.String name,
                             DataMappedObject dmo)
Convenience method to passthrough a related object to the relationship so it can track it.


public void addRelatedObjects(java.lang.String name,
                              java.util.Vector dmos)
Convenience method to passthrough a Vector of related objects to the relationship so it can track it.


protected boolean hasHierarchyTable()
Signifies whether the class has a hierarchy table. This flag is used to increase performance so that hierarchy table look-ups will not have to be done in the normal case where a hierarchy is not desired. The default is false, override this method to return true if you have a hierarchy table.

NOTE: Methods hasHierarchyTable(), basicGetHierarchyTableKeyAttributes(), and basicGetHierarchyTable() must ALL be kept in sync or this will not work!


protected java.util.Vector basicGetHierarchyTableKeyAttributes()
Returns a vector of Strings which are the attribute names of any attributes in the hierarchy table. This vector is needed by the framework to extract values from data arrays.

This method is not lazy-initialized. Subclasses with hierarchy tables SHOULD OVERRIDE this method, calling the superclass method of same name and adding to the vector any attribute names appropriate.

At this level in the hierarchy, no hierarchy table members are known. Return an empty vector that can be populated by the subclass(es).

NOTE: Methods hasHierarchyTable(), basicGetHierarchyTableKeyAttributes(), and basicGetHierarchyTable() must ALL be kept in sync or this will not work!


protected java.util.Vector getHierarchyTableKeyAttributes()
Returns a lazy-initialized vector of attribute names used to map to the hierarchy table.

This method uses a ClassInstanceVariable as a convenient way to do the lazy-initialization.


protected java.util.Hashtable basicGetHierarchyTable()
Returns a hash table of DataMappedObjectKey objects pertinent to the DataMappedObject. The key to the table is the DataAttribute which must match attributes in the DataMappedObject. The value is the Java Class which should be instantiated, when the key matches. That Java Class must be a the same or a subclass of the current class.

This method is not lazy-initialized. Subclasses with hierarchy tables SHOULD OVERRIDE this method, calling the superclass method of same name and adding to the Hashtable any DataMappedObjectKey and Class key/value pairs pertinent. Use the DataMappedObjectKey as the key and a Class object as the value.

At this level in the hierarchy, no hierarchy table members are known. Return an empty hash table that can be populated by the subclass(es).

NOTE: Methods hasHierarchyTable(), basicGetHierarchyTableKeyAttributes(), and basicGetHierarchyTable() must ALL be kept in sync or this will not work!


protected java.util.Hashtable getHierarchyTable()
Returns a lazy-initialized hierarchy table used to map incoming DataArray data to an object of the correct subclass in an inheritance hierarchy.

This method uses a ClassInstanceVariable as a convenient way to do the lazy-initialization.


protected DataMappedObjectKey getHierachyTableKeyForDataArray(DataArray dataArray)
Retrieves a hierarchy table key for the current object given a data array.


protected DataMappedObject newInstanceForDataArray(DataArray dataArray)
Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object, taking into consideration the hierarchy table defined.

a new instance of the appropriate DataMappedObject subclass


public boolean hasBeenReadFromDataSource()
Returns a flag telling if the object has previously been read from the database. If it has, then when trying to write any updates out, the object should not do a create, but rather an update or delete.


public void setHasBeenReadFromDataSource(boolean hasBeenRead)
Sets a flag to tell if the object has previously been read from the database. If it has, then when trying to write any updates out, the object should not do a create, but rather an update or delete.


public boolean shouldDeleteOnWrite()
Returns a flag telling if an object previously read from a database should be deleted the next time the object is synchronized with the database.


public void deleteOnWrite()
Sets a flag so that the next time you write your object to a data store, it will attempt to delete it.


protected java.lang.String getDefaultDataLocationKey()
Returns the data location key to the properties file for this object's default data location. Override this method in your class if more than one data location is being used for your objects!!!


public static DataMapper getDataMapper(java.lang.String dataLocationKey)
Convenience method to return an instance of a data mapper to the data location named by the key given. A call to this method MUST be inside a try block with a finally block to close the data mapper when finished!!!


public DataMapper getDefaultDataMapper()
Returns an instance of the default data mapper to the default data location. A call to this method MUST be inside a try block with a finally block to close the data mapper when finished!!!


public DataMappedObject getNewInstance()
Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object

a new instance of DataMappedObject


public DataMappedObject getNewInstance(boolean reuseThisInstance)
Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object if the reuseThisInstance flag is false. If true, return this. This is a helper method useful when constructing a number of instances, so you can reuse the first object.

a new instance of DataMappedObject


public DataMappedObject getNewInstance(DataArray dataArray)
Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass class of this object, taking into consideration the hierarchy table if one is defined. The DataArray is required as input so that a subclass can be found given a hierarchy key match to the data array row. If no hierarchy table is defined, just returns a new instance of this class.

a new instance of the appropriate DataMappedObject subclass


public void populateFromDataArray(DataArray dataArray,
                                  Relationship relationship)
Reads as many attributes as it can from the DataArray under the context of a particular relationship if available. If the relationship is null, the data is read directly from the array with mapping properties taken into account.


public void processRelationshipsFromDataArray(DataArray dataArray)
Processes any relationships from the DataArray to populate related DataMappedObjects.


public void validateRequiredAttributesPresent()
Checks to see if all required attributes are present.



public boolean areAllRequiredAttributesPresent()
Checks to see if all required attributes are present.


public boolean hasKey()
Checks to see if the object has any key fields.


public boolean areAllKeyAttributesPresent()
Checks to see if all key attributes are present.


public java.util.Vector findAll()
Quick accessor method to read all of this particular object's type from the default data location.


public DataMappedObject findByPrimaryKey()
Quick accessor method to read one object of this particular object's type from the default data location, using its already populated primary key.


public java.util.Vector findAll(DataMapper dataMapper)
Quick accessor method to read all of this particular object's type from a specified data location.


public DataMappedObject findByPrimaryKey(DataMapper dataMapper)
Quick accessor method to read one object of this particular object's type from a specified data mapper, using its already populated primary key.


protected void populateKeyFromParentRelationship(Relationship relationship,
                                                 DataMapper dataMapper)
Helper method to populate the key for this object as best as possible from a primary object/parent object's data.


public java.util.Vector findByRelationship(Relationship relationship,
                                           DataMapper dataMapper)
Reads objects involved in a relationship that is not read in the same query as its primary object. The default implementation is to do a findByPrimaryKey, where the primary key of the roleB object is populated from attributes in the primary object.

You MUST override the default implemetation of this method if you want any other behavior, and since relationships are very tricky, you are likely to have to do so.


public DataMappedObject findOneBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey)
Helper method to read one object of a specific search criteria. If more than one object is found, a warning is sent to the log. If none found, null is returned. Grabs a default data mapper connection to execute the query.


public DataMappedObject findOneBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey,
                                                DataMapper dataMapper)
Helper method to read one object of a specific search criteria. If more than one object is found, a warning is sent to the log. If none found, null is returned.


public java.util.Vector findManyBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey)
Helper method to read objects of a specific type and search criteria from a the default data mapper for the object.


public java.util.Vector findManyBySearchCriteria(java.lang.String criteriaKey,
                                                 DataMapper dataMapper)
Main kickoff method to read objects of a specific type and search criteria from a data mapper to a data location.


public void preWriteValidation()
Hook method for data mapped objects to perform pre-write validation. The default implementation is to make sure all required attributes are present.

Typically you should override this method, calling the super first, then adding your own extra validation logic.


public void write(DataMapper dataMapper)
Writes an object out to a data source after it validates the object.


public void cleanupAfterWrite(DataMapper dataMapper)
Performs cleanup work after a write is committed to the database (for example, resets attribute values).