Serialized Form

Package org.jlf.dataMap

Class org.jlf.dataMap.CachedObject implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DataAttribute implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String name
Name of the attribute.


java.lang.Object value
Normal value of the attribute. NOTE: Be careful when setting this value. Most methods should be going through the basicSetValue() method so validation at the subclass level can take place!!!


java.lang.Object originalValue
Original value of the attribute. If the value was changed since the object was read from a source, this attribute contains the originally-read value.


boolean hasChanged
Keeps track of whether the attribute has changed since it was originally read in from the database.

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DataLocationProperties implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DataMapError implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String attributeName
Holds an attribute name.


DataMappedObject dataMappedObject
Holds a reference to a particular data mapped object.

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DataMappedObject implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


DataMappedObjectKey key
Holds the key for the object.


java.util.Hashtable relationships
Holds all the lazy-initialized relationships for this particular business object.


boolean hasBeenReadFromDataSource
Flag to tell if the object has previously been read from the database. If it has, then when trying to write any updates out, the object should not do a create, but rather an update or delete.


boolean deleteOnWrite
Flag to delete an object previously read from a database the next time the object is synchronized with the database.

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DataMappedObjectKey implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DataObject implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.util.Hashtable attributes
Holds all the lazy-initialized attributes for this particular business object.

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DateAttribute implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String dateFormatString
Holds the date format string so the attribute can be properly date formatted when using the toString() method.

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DirtyReadError implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.dataMap.DoubleAttribute implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.dataMap.LongAttribute implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.dataMap.Relationship implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


RelationshipDescriptor relationshipDescriptor
Holds the relationship descriptor this relationship is an instance of.


DataMappedObject primaryObject
Holds a back reference to the DataMappedObject object on the near (role A) side of the relationship.


boolean hasRelationshipBeenRead
Holds a flag for relationships that are not read inline, to see if the relationship that is read in a separate query has already been populated. If it hasn't, need to issue a lazy query before any relationship information is returned.


java.util.Vector relatedObjects
Holds the DataMappedObject objects on the far (role B) side of the relationship.

Class org.jlf.dataMap.RelationshipDescriptor implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String relationshipName
The name of the relationship so accessors can conveniently refer to the relationship.


java.lang.Class relationshipClass
The DataMappedObject class on the other side of the relationship (role B in UML).

Class org.jlf.dataMap.RequiredAttributeNotPresent implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.dataMap.StringAttribute implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


int maximumStringLength
Holds the maximum length of the String. If exceeded, an error will be thrown when the attribute is set. If the value is zero (the default), there is no maximum length.

Package org.jlf.httpRequest

Class org.jlf.httpRequest.AbstractProcessor implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request
Holds the HTTP Request object.


javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response
Holds the HTTP Response object.

out out
Holds the output stream of the servlet.


java.lang.String workflowAlias
Lazy initialized string for the workflow alias.


WorkflowProperties workflowProperties
Lazy initialized set of workflow properties specific to this http request.

Class org.jlf.httpRequest.HttpRequestProcessorError implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String workflowName
Holds a workflow name.

Class org.jlf.httpRequest.WorkflowProperties implements Serializable

Package org.jlf.httpRequest.servlet

Class org.jlf.httpRequest.servlet.Processor implements Serializable

Package org.jlf.log

Class org.jlf.log.AppError implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.Throwable originalThrownObject
Holds a reference to the original Error or Exception object.

Class org.jlf.log.LogManager implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String applicationName
Holds the application name the logs are generated for. The default comes from AppInfo but can be overriden.

Class org.jlf.log.LogProperties implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.log.RemoteLogManagerImpl implements Serializable

Class org.jlf.log.RemoteLogManagerImpl_Stub implements Serializable

Package org.jlf.util

Class org.jlf.util.AppProperties implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String propertyFileName
Holds the file name of the property file.

Package org.jlf.vitals

Class org.jlf.vitals.VitalSignProperties implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


java.lang.String vitalKey
Holds the Vital Sign unique key these properties are for


java.lang.Class measurementClass
Holds a cached Class object (to save on reflection overhead) that is the equivalent of the measurement class above.