Class UniqueFileLoggingMechanism

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class UniqueFileLoggingMechanism
extends AbstractFileLoggingMechanism

This logging mechanism is the simplest implementation of a file logging mechanism. It is designed to have one log file per log, with the name of the log as part of the file name. It doesn't do anything fancy like rolling over to a new file when a date changes, it appends all messages to the same file name if already present.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jlf.log.fileMechanisms.AbstractFileLoggingMechanism
currentFileName, fileOutputStream, logPath
Fields inherited from class org.jlf.log.AbstractLoggingMechanism
compactDateFormat, dateFormat, dateOpened, logs, printStream, timeFormat
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static AbstractLoggingMechanism getInstance()
protected  boolean isSharedLog()
          Mechanisms can be shared or unique.
Methods inherited from class org.jlf.log.fileMechanisms.AbstractFileLoggingMechanism
close, getFileName, logFileNamePrefix, logFileNameSuffix, open, toString
Methods inherited from class org.jlf.log.AbstractLoggingMechanism
closeForLog, compactCurrentDate, currentDate, currentTime, getLoggingMechanismForString, getName, hasDateRolledOver, isDatedLog, loggingPrefix, logString, notifyLogClosed, notifyLoggingLevelChange, notifyLogOpened, openForLog, rollLogOver
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UniqueFileLoggingMechanism()
Method Detail


public static AbstractLoggingMechanism getInstance()


protected boolean isSharedLog()
Description copied from class: AbstractLoggingMechanism
Mechanisms can be shared or unique. Shared mechanisms require the log name to be in every log entry (so you can distinguish between the log entries). Unique mechanisms name themselves uniquely (for example, have the log name in their file name) so they do not have to put the name of the log in their log entry. The default is shared (true).

isSharedLog in class AbstractLoggingMechanism