Class AbstractFileLoggingMechanism

Direct Known Subclasses:
SharedFileLoggingMechanism, UniqueFileLoggingMechanism

public abstract class AbstractFileLoggingMechanism
extends AbstractLoggingMechanism

AbstractFileLoggingMechanism is an abstract class which defines the format and location of log files, so they all work consistently for the same application. The default file name where logs are created is:


		where:  	[Path] 		= "c:\temp\"
					[App]  		= "App"
					[LogClass]	= The Java Class name of the Log Class
                                (only used for unique logs)
					[date]		= today's date (only used for dated logs)
					[extn]		= "log"

The [App] default can be overridden by the application, it is taken from the LogManager class. The [Path] and [extn] defaults can be overridden by settings in a properties file, see the LogProperties class for more information.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String currentFileName
          Instance variable to hold the current output file name
protected fileOutputStream
protected static java.lang.String logPath
Fields inherited from class org.jlf.log.AbstractLoggingMechanism
compactDateFormat, dateFormat, dateOpened, logs, printStream, timeFormat
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void close()
          This method closes the particular logging mechanism so that messages no longer get logged to the mechanism.
 java.lang.String getFileName()
protected  java.lang.String logFileNamePrefix(Log log)
protected  java.lang.String logFileNameSuffix(Log log)
protected  void open(Log log)
          This method opens the particular logging mechanism so that messages can be output to the printSteam instance variable.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Return a nice debug string.
Methods inherited from class org.jlf.log.AbstractLoggingMechanism
closeForLog, compactCurrentDate, currentDate, currentTime, getLoggingMechanismForString, getName, hasDateRolledOver, isDatedLog, isSharedLog, loggingPrefix, logString, notifyLogClosed, notifyLoggingLevelChange, notifyLogOpened, openForLog, rollLogOver
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static java.lang.String logPath


protected fileOutputStream


protected java.lang.String currentFileName
Instance variable to hold the current output file name

Constructor Detail


public AbstractFileLoggingMechanism()
Method Detail


protected java.lang.String logFileNamePrefix(Log log)


protected java.lang.String logFileNameSuffix(Log log)


public java.lang.String getFileName()


protected void open(Log log)
Description copied from class: AbstractLoggingMechanism
This method opens the particular logging mechanism so that messages can be output to the printSteam instance variable.

open in class AbstractLoggingMechanism


protected void close()
Description copied from class: AbstractLoggingMechanism
This method closes the particular logging mechanism so that messages no longer get logged to the mechanism. Overrides should call the superclass method so that printStream gets reset to StdErr in case a subsequent open has problems and the error can be logged somewhere!

close in class AbstractLoggingMechanism


public java.lang.String toString()
Return a nice debug string.

toString in class AbstractLoggingMechanism